9.00 AM SUNDAY SERVICES have resumed in Narooma.

Please do not attend if you are unwell, have had contact with a person with Covid-19 or have been is a Covid hotzone.

Number in church is limited to 30 people.  You will be asked to maintain physical distancing wherever possible and refrain from touching.  Hand sanitizer and disposable masks are available and it is recommended that you wear a mask.

Your temperature will be checked prior to admittance and your contact details recorded.

Singing is now permitted in the church but under the NSW Government Covid-19 Rules, all singers MUST maintain a distance of 1.5 m between them and all face the same way:  in this case, toward the altar.

Due to the small interior space available in the Narooma Church, to enable physical distancing of singers in the church people who do not wish to sing are respectfully requested to seat themselves in the pews at the back of the church. 

We appreciate your adherence to the Covid-19 Rules and welcome you to our place of worship.